Creative Coding Droid
I created a twitter bot named CreativeCodingDroid, able to retweet tweets related to the creative coding field and to create generative images, too.
The main goal was to help and encourage people creating generative artworks, so that by using the correct hashtags, they knew they would get at least one retweet from the bot. Given that the bot had a good following, it made it easier to reach and engage in conversations with other people working with the same tools. It also retweeted other generative bots.
The following images were created by the bot:

The live bot used to live here.
Postscript: Twitter rules against bots got increasingly tighter in 2018, so Creative Coding Droid stopped retweeting tweets since then. Being just an hobby project, I don't have the time to keep it up to date with the restrictions continuosly introduced in the Twitter API.