AKA: how to use Doom Emacs as my main text editor for note-taking and software development.
But what is Doom Emacs ?
An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
The TL;DR is that Doom Emacs offers sane defaults for most stuff, and uses SPACE
as your leader key.
The killer feature for me is using the beautifully lisp-y Emacs ecosystem of packages together with the insanely practical vim keybindings (if you like being evil ).
NOTE: Everything I write is tested against my own config, which you can find in my dotfiles repo: https://github.com/vvzen/dotfiles
For more info on Doom Emacs itself, have a look at https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs
Buffer and File Navigation
-> Find a file to open in a new buffer
This^ uses dired, so you will be able to fuzzy match, etc.
-> Find a file in the current project (also uses fuzzy find, but leverages projectile)
CTRL + x + d
-> Edit the dired
directory for the current buffer (and more)
SPACE + b + i
-> Open a buffer listing all buffers (via ibuffer)